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2015 FFA Scholarship Contest

Arkansas Soybean Scolarship Contest

We're investing in the next generation of agriculture professionals. Working in ag doesn't look like it used to, but we need YOU to show the world what a day in the life of an ag professional looks like. That's right, we want to see their world through your eyes! What's in it for you? We're awarding a  $750 scholarship to one Arkansas FFA senior from each district; Northwest, Eastern and Southern. 

Entering the contest is simple – if you're a senior in high school and a member of your local FFA chapter, go out and spend the day with an agricultural professional in the soybean industry. Once you're all worn out, come home and recall your day as an essay. Tell us what you learned! Oh, don't forget a selfie with your new favorite ag guy or gal. 

Here's what you must include:

  • Give us some background and biographical information of your professional 
  • Tell us how they became involved in the agricultural industry 
  • Tell us how long they have been in this industry and what led them to working with soybeans
  • Finally, tell us how their work allows them to give back to the world

Once you're done, email your essay to by 5 p.m. on May 12 to be eligible to win a scholarship. The Arkansas Soybean Promotion Board members will review all essays and choose the winners.


Essay Requirements

APA Format

  • APA style


  • Minimum of 500 words


  • One inch margins


  • Double spaced


  • 12 point, Times New Roman font


  • Running head at the top left of every page

    • Running head – shortened form of the title, often the first few words and should be no more than 50 characters (including spaces)


  • Page numbers in the upper right-hand corner of each page, including the title page


  • Photo of you with the person you interviewed


1.       Title Page

                   This page includes the running

                    head, title, author name and

                    school affiliation


2.       Abstract

This is a brief summary of your paper that   immediately follows the title page. The abstract should be no more than 150 – 250 words.


3.       Main Body

        This is the actual essay.


4.       References

         This page consists of all the sources

         used in the essay.









Note: Each section starts on a new page.




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