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Containing the three macro-nutrients required for good nutrition – complete protein, carbohydrate and fat, along with vitamins and minerals, including calcium, folic acid and iron – soy is the only source of complete vegetable protein. Often called the miracle bean, the soybean contains the nutrient lecithin and phytochemicals called isoflavones.

Used to complement and enhance many food products, soy provides a high-quality source of protein with very little saturated fat. For twelve years, the American Heart Association has recognized soyfoods for their role in an overall heart-healthy diet. Experts recommend two to three servings of soyfoods daily, which can:

  • Reduce risk of heart disease
  • Manage Diabetes and weight
  • Prevent certain cancers, like breast cancer and prostate cancer
  • Protect against osteoporosis
  • Alleviate menopausal symptoms

Soybeans yield nearly 20 percent of oil, which is used in the production of products ranging from personal care products to feedstock for specialty fermentation applications.

Approximately 97 percent of the soybean meal produced when oil is extracted is used to feed livestock. Half protein, the remaining half is mostly indigestible carbohydrates which can be removed to create protein isolates and concentrates.

Rich in vitamin E, essential fatty acids and lecithin, soy-based skincare and hair products are known to boost collagen, brighten skin and smooth hair.

How a Soybean Becomes Tofu, Soy Sauce, Soybean Meal and More

  • Soybeans are graded, cleaned, dried and cracked to remove the hull
    • Soybean hulls are used for animal feed or fiber additives for breads, cereals and snacks
  • After the hulls are removed, the remaining soybean is converted to flakes
    • These full-fat flakes are used in animal feed or full-fat flour for commercial food
  • The flakes are also converted to crude soybean oil which leads to the extraction of lecithin
    • The remaining oil is used to create cooking oil, margarine and shortening

For more information on the health benefits of soybeans and soyfoods, visit:

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