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Soybean Science Challenge 2019

Natalie Blake – 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner State and Arkansas Regional Science & Engineering Fair

Natalie Blake, Star City High School, Star City Mentor: Shannon Blake Category: Plant Sciences Project Title: Differentiation in chloride absorption in Glycine max Abstract: Research Question: The research question for this project is “How will different soybean varieties differ in chloride absorption?” Hypothesis: Of the tested soybeans, the wild Soja will have the least concentration…

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Emily Sookaserm 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner ASMSA-West Central Science Fair

Emily Sookaserm, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Science and the Arts, Hot Springs, AR Teacher: Dr. Brian Monson Category: Plant Sciences Project Title: Identifying quantitative trait loci for grain size and chalk content in a bi-parental tropical Japonica rice mapping population. Abstract: Chalky rice can be detrimental to grain quality, marketability and food security. Chalk collects…

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Molly Reeves – 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner Northwest Arkansas Regional Science and Engineering Fair

Molly Reeves, Alma High School, Alma Teacher: Tiffany Schrivner Category: Earth and Planetary Sciences Abstract: Because of the interesting finds from last year’s experiment, I decided to continue my research further. This year’s experiment I collected three different soil types being Sandy Loam, Sandy Silt, and Clay from farms that were from the University of Arkansas…

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