Soybean Science Challenge 2019
Clayton McEntire – 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner FFA Agriscience Fair
Clayton McEntire, Waldron High School, Waldron, AR FFA Advisor: Jim Wilcox Category: Animal Sciences Project Title: The effect of eliminating soybean meal from broiler diets Abstract: Soybeans are important in the animal production industry due to their high nutrient value and their abundance of essential amino acids. The research tested the effects of soybeans due…
Read MoreNatalie Blake – 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner State and Arkansas Regional Science & Engineering Fair
Natalie Blake, Star City High School, Star City Mentor: Shannon Blake Category: Plant Sciences Project Title: Differentiation in chloride absorption in Glycine max Abstract: Research Question: The research question for this project is “How will different soybean varieties differ in chloride absorption?” Hypothesis: Of the tested soybeans, the wild Soja will have the least concentration…
Read MoreEmily Sookaserm 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner ASMSA-West Central Science Fair
Emily Sookaserm, Arkansas School for Mathematics, Science and the Arts, Hot Springs, AR Teacher: Dr. Brian Monson Category: Plant Sciences Project Title: Identifying quantitative trait loci for grain size and chalk content in a bi-parental tropical Japonica rice mapping population. Abstract: Chalky rice can be detrimental to grain quality, marketability and food security. Chalk collects…
Read MoreRayne Cranford – 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner Southwest Arkansas Regional Science Fair
Rayne Cranford, Taylor High School, Taylor Teacher: Christy Hoyle Category: Biological Sciences Project Title: Soybean seed bacterial inoculation Abstract: Purpose: Over 100 million metric tons of nitrogen fertilizer is used each year by farmers, with only about half of the fertilizer applied to field being used by the target crop, leaving the rest left to…
Read MoreCooper Bassham – 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner Northeast Arkansas Regional Science Fair
Cooper Bassham, Salem High School, Salem, AR Teacher: Amanda Smith Category: Plant Sciences Project Title: Use of biological control agents to inhibit the growth of phytopathogenic bacteria By the year 2050, the global population is expected to reach nine billion. This poses serious issues for the global food supply which will need to double to…
Read MoreMolly Reeves – 2019 Arkansas Soybean Science Challenge Award Winner Northwest Arkansas Regional Science and Engineering Fair
Molly Reeves, Alma High School, Alma Teacher: Tiffany Schrivner Category: Earth and Planetary Sciences Abstract: Because of the interesting finds from last year’s experiment, I decided to continue my research further. This year’s experiment I collected three different soil types being Sandy Loam, Sandy Silt, and Clay from farms that were from the University of Arkansas…
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